We are pleased that our numerous voluntary measures contribute to improving environmental and climate protection.
Hacker Feinmechanik GmbH has been a member of the Bavarian Environmental Pact since 2007. We were again rewarded with a certificate for our constant commitment and new projects for environmental protection. Here’s a look at some of our environmental and climate projects:
Energy savings
In 2022, the conversion of the lighting from fluorescent tubes to full LED lighting was completed in all company buildings. Overall, electricity consumption for lighting has been reduced by more than -50% or 100,000 kWh per year since 2014, despite an increase in operating space of +33%!
Further energy-saving measures were also implemented. In particular, unused appliances are consistently switched off to avoid power consumption in standby mode. As a result, annual electricity consumption has been reduced by 13 % since 2019.
Increasing energy efficiency
Following the commissioning of a compressed air management system in 2019, compressed air consumption was continuously optimized, e.g. by installing shut-off valves, using more efficient compressed air guns and reducing the compressed air flow rate. As a result, energy consumption for compressed air has been reduced by -32% or 188,000 kWh p.a. since 2019.
In addition, another air compressor was equipped with heat recovery in 2023. This means that the heat emitted can be fed into the heating circuit for the company buildings. Heat recovery thus increases the energy efficiency of the compressor and reduces fuel consumption for the heating systems.
Reduction of CO2 emissions
Since 2022, increased measures have been taken to reduce fuel consumption for heating company buildings. Among other things, the waste heat from the air compressors is fed into the heating circuit. The time controls of the heating systems were checked and the heating times reduced or the times for night-time reduction extended. In the halls, air distribution is optimized with the help of ceiling fans to transport the warm air below the hall ceilings downwards.
Overall, the optimization of the heating system reduced natural gas consumption in 2023 by 37% compared to 2019. This reduces CO2 emissions by approx. -29 tons. per year.
Hacker Feinmechanik GmbH covers around 20% of its electricity requirements with photovoltaic systems on the roofs of the company buildings using solar power generated on site. The saving in climate-damaging CO2 through the use of PV electricity is approx. 320 tons. per year.
By reducing electricity consumption by around 346,000 kWh per year from 2019, a further -114 to. CO2 could be saved
Resource conservation and circular economy
Mineral oil-based cutting oils are always recycled and reused internally. This applies both to oil residues on the metal waste and to the extracted oil vapors in the exhaust air system.
All metal waste (chips, offcuts) is returned to the raw material manufacturers for recycling via recycling companies.
Promotion of nature conservation and biodiversity
The sole shareholder of Hacker Feinmechanik GmbH has been cultivating around 5 hectares of local orchards since 2018. Orchard meadows are considered a cultural landscape particularly worthy of protection and provide a valuable habitat for many animal and plant species. Since 2019, an average of 100 kg of fruit and 600 liters of certified organic apple and pear juice have been made available to the company’s employees every year from the yields.